The migrant caravans of the recent decade could be seen as human shields for a stealthy Leftist war against the middle classes of The West. The strongest Leftist power in the world is China, which has become increasingly influential in the developing nations of South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and West Asia (The Middle East). 

An informed person might suspect that China is behind Turkey's recent turn to more authoritarian rule. China has contracted heavily with the Turkish Erdogan government to help run the country's infrastructure programs. In return, in nations like Turkey, China is granted access to territory for farming and exploitation of natural resources, its greatest needs for maintaining internal stability among its massive urban populations. Turkey's pivotal role in the Syrian crisis and the cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran has weakened the E.U.'s expansionism. Turkey's initial complicity in flooding Europe with Syrian migrants has destabilized the E.U. as well, by creating conflict between member states  over national interests. 

China is a major player in resource-rich central African nations, from which the southern tide of migration into Europe originates. Here too, China is throwing money and technical expertise at corrupt regimes in exchange for agricultural land and resource access. The turning of African governments away from The West with entitled rage over long-dead Euro-colonialism could be seen as evidence of China's role as their new paymaster. 

China has also been pushing its way similarly into the national interests of South America, while propping up Venezuela's Leftist government with major oil purchases. China's dominance of U.S.-American trade relations until recently has allowed it to push into the Americas with little resistance from Washington. Brazil's turn to the Right in its recent presidential election may well be a reaction in part to the constant drip of migration it has been absorbing from its northern and western borders. And now we see the human shields of Leftist politics pushing through Mexico toward the U.S. like an invading army.

While Right and Left snipe at each other in Europe and the Americas in abstract arguments over The One Percent, Donald Trump and George Soros, encouraged by a media which have obviously been bought out by corporate manipulators. China, upon whom those corporate giants now depend for manufacturing and consumption, has been able to stand back. It has flooded the globe with affordable consumer products, notably media devices which can be used to indoctrinate through addiction, starting in childhood. Chinese investment is slowly buying Hollywood with massive investments in films which just happen to contain Leftist messaging. . 

The funding and organizing of massive migration will eventually come to light. It is obviously at play. Recent attempts by journalists in Mexico to discover who is funding the people with bullhorns accompanying the current migrant caravan there have yielded no specific answers. Those shepherds of the migrants have apparently been threatened, or paid, to remain silent. Whether it is China or a hapless confluence of non-profits, the use of human shields to bring down the middle class democracies of The West with their free speech and freedom of thought is also at play. 

The increasing use of weapons of war against civilians in Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen has accompanied the growth of this migration movement. It seems obvious from history that human shields eventually lose their effectiveness when civilians on the other side of any conflict feel sufficiently threatened. The result is carnage of civilians on a massive scale. While some in The West would encourage the yielding to mass migration as a method to avoid war, I would suggest that its eventual threat to the quality of life of developed nations may lead to global conflict much more widespread and destructive than any we have yet seen. 


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