Antifa "troops" in Portland, Oregon.

The fruits of poor education are ripening in The West. Soon they will rot and fall to the ground to be trampled by hordes of less educated migrants with a regressive world view, stewed in religious ignorance and superstition. So the whirlwind of human history blows.

The anarchic-Leftist types see themselves as saviors of the great masses from White patriarchal tyranny. But observe. Watch them bully average citizens who do not comply or overtly disagree with their protest actions. See the rage. See the violence. See the tantrums when they are faced down by authority. 

"And what cultures do they support?", one might ask. This is where it gets mind-numbing. They support Islam, the most patriarchal religion on the planet. They support Venezuela, a country ruled by patriarchal populists, modelling themselves after the iconic patriarch/thug, Chavez. They ignore China altogether. China's undemocratic patriarchy still lives under the shadow of one of the world's greatest patriarchs, Mao. They support a Nanny State, which is an enforced matriarchy. Sweden, U.K. and Germany are less than-shining examples today. 

These deluded protesters will riot to allow millions of illegal migrants into Western countries. These illegal migrants, mostly young males, are from societies far more patriarchal and violent than most young people in The West can imagine. This is patently addled, and it gives rise to suspicion that these ill-educated young people are being manipulated by powerful and covert international forces. 

So, are these ninja-disguised children in adult bodies so badly educated that they think the Caucasian race, which invented democracy, makes patriarchy particularly evil? Perhaps they are so badly educated that they do not know the definition of the word. And, that would imply that their teachers and professors suffer from the same ignorance.

Why would gay men and lesbians side with these ignorant anarchists? Gay men have concrete reasons historically to despise patriarchal male cultures. For example, Iran executes gay men in public squares. ISIS threw gay men off roofs. China and Russia, socialist patriarchies, deny any need for gay-lesbian rights. Why would any intelligent, sane and informed gay man support those who promote acceptance of Islamic culture or Marxist socialism in The West? 

Lesbians have similar reasons to be wary of other cultural patriarchies, which have treated women far worse than Western patriarchies ... and still do. Why would any intelligent and informed lesbian support a culture of Sharia Law, enforced dress codes for women, genital mutilation? Again, the answer would most likely be based in ignorance and/or mental illness. 

This brings us to the appropriation of the gay-lesbian rights movement by bisexuals and transgender people. This started during the HIV epidemic, I believe from observation, when bisexuality became a pass for unprotected sex for the more exploitative in homosexual male encounters. Bisexuals or metrosexuals were (mistakenly) considered safer sexual partners than homosexual men, due to HIV's heavy presence in the gay male population. 

The addition of males who were unidentified with gay men and women who were unidentified with lesbian feminists into the so-called LGBT movement destroyed the original goal of that movement: Liberation. And that liberation was a liberation from patriarchy and traditional matriarchy. 

The LGBT movement diverged from Gay Liberation by embracing militarism, institutionalized monogamous marriage and reproduction. In doing so, the LGBT movement attempted to force gender stereotypes upon gay men and lesbians. Married gay male couples became two husbands. Lesbian couples became two wives. And having children, a heterosexual passport to respectability, became normalized in gay-lesbian life. 

Confused homosexual children no longer feel safe identifying with being gay or lesbian. They are pressured into acting out their differences in traditional gender roles. If a boy is attracted to feminine things and does not identify with patriarchal roles, he must be a girl biologically who was born a boy ... not simply a gay boy. Likewise, if a girl is not girly and rejects matriarchal roles, she must be a boy born into a girl's body. This is all a form of unscientifically supportable, enforced patriarchy and matriarchy, embraced enthusiastically by predominantly heterosexual parents, I might add.

The transgender "solution" for homosexuality has existed in patriarchal societies for eons. There is plenty of historic evidence of this. But is this really progressive? I believe it is a regression in today's world, a retreat by traumatized post-HIV homosexuals from their own liberation from patriarchal and matriarchal heterosexual roles. Only time will tell.

Anarchy has never treated social outliers well for long. If today's Antifa anarchists had been exposed to adequate history lessons, they would know this. Perhaps some do. Perhaps they are making the mistake that many French revolutionaries made in The Reign of Terror. If they believe they are safe by leading the mob, they are wrong. Once the mob grows sufficiently it begins to devour its leaders. The natural tendency of humans to climb hierarchies prevails. Social equilibrium eventually returns after many have paid the price. 


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