I want to start with a clarification of my personal position on culture, religion and genetic race. I am a registered nurse with a college degree in cellular biology. I know from visual examination of scientific evidence that the vast majority of human bodies operate with the same biological processes. 

I have also washed and done procedures on just about every human group genotype, made flesh. I have washed and done procedures on people from more cultural roots than most readers of this have encountered in every-day American society. I have provided professional care for men, women and children. 

I do not expect any individual to be anything, based purely on their visual appearance. Therefore, I do not tailor my approach to people on race or visible ethnicity. I do tailor my approach to everyone based upon their behavior. In my Asian-influenced mind, I trust every one and trust no one, including myself. 

I am a native-born U.S. citizen. This has been the most significant piece of luck of my life, as someone born in 1950. Had I been born then in any of the other parts of the world which I have grown to admire for their qualities, I would not have had the relatively comfortable existence I have had. This is not White Privilege, in my estimation. It is simply biological and sociological fact about a life I did not choose.

My Jesuit university education, which bridged the 1960's and 1970's, was marvelous. Its like will not been seen again, from what I know of contemporary university education. It entailed small classes, seminars and tutoring by some of the most phenomenal minds I have ever met. My university's pre-medical program was housed in a brand new science building with top tech of the time. 

My humanities education was deep as well. Literature, history, sociology, psychology, philosophy and theology were required areas of study to complete my undergraduate degree. It was grueling, but I left university with a fairly deep contemporary understanding of human existence, our planet and our Universe. I knew how to read, research and compile data upon which to form intelligent opinions and/or hypotheses about anything. 

I am disturbed by the deterioration of my American culture. I am infuriated by the decimation of public education, due in part to illegal immigration condoned by elected officials in our country without commensurate planning and financing of antidotes to its inevitable social consequences. The decimation of public education, in my opinion, has brought us to the inane Marxism that threatens to level American excellence. It is the cancer that has corrupted all types and levels of American education and discourse.

How has this happened? Post-WWII Americans, while exceptionally prosperous. were also psychologically vulnerable. They had become victors in a global conflict by causing mass destruction and murder on a scale that the world had seldom seen. They had leveled large cities on two continents. 

They had unleashed nuclear terror and lived with the concrete evidence of its aftermath for decades. They had turned away refugee Jews from Europe. They had interned Japanese-Americans in concentration camps. Despite their massive generosity in rebuilding what they had destroyed in many parts of the world, their human souls did not forget. Accolades like "The Greatest Generation" cover the darkness in those survivors of The Great Depression and WWII.

Their repressed guilt worked its way into the minds of my generation, even though we were innocents. And many of us have poisoned the minds of our children and grandchildren with that guilt as well. It surfaces in politics, literature and film. Hollywood is its main transmitter into American culture today.

The vulnerability which grew out of this mass guilt had its positive side. The Civil Rights Movement, The Women's Movement and The Gay Liberation Movement of the 1960's and 1970's benefited from that vulnerability and self-questioning, especially in WWII veterans and their peers. The Vietnam War can be seen as an attempt to resurrect a guiltless American militarism. Yet it crashed on the rocks of WWII regret and the surfacing of The Peace Movement among those who grew up with WWII parents. The American Indian's suffering at the hands of early American colonists found a new audience in the vulnerable minds of those sensitized by WWII guilt.

The grandchildren of WWII are still exhibiting the symptoms of WWII guilt, especially in Europe, but also in the U.S.. The epicenter of today's cultural guilt from WWII is Germany. And Germany's overcompensation for that guilt in the form of multicultural immigration policies has threatened to destroy the European Union, an establishment touted as the solution for preventing a repetition of great European wars. The U.N., established to bring peace to the world, has turned into a multiculturalist tool for human engineering by dark forces who wish to pillage the affluence of The West for their own purposes.

I believe multiculturalism, hopefully waning in the U.S., is the concrete symptom of repressed WWII guilt and the compounding Vietnam War guilt. I also think the resurgence of minority entitlement in the U.S. is an active attempt by some to resurrect that WWII guilt to attain social power over the majority. The obvious use of guilt exploitation, group shaming, by those in these Leftist camps shows their awareness of the effectiveness of mining that post-WWII guilt.

Multiculturalism is a Trojan Horse. It is not anything other than an attempt to manipulate the native-born American population by those who have accepted the globalist ideology of the Left as exploited by the international 1%. Jihadists use it to promote their agenda of global domination. Those wedded to generational poverty as a lifestyle exploit it to justify drug crime and gang violence. American Indians exploit multiculturalism to run crime-prone casino operations. Drug cartels use it to transport their product across borders.

Corrupt governments in Central and South America exploit multiculturalism to export their poor populations in order to access U.S. dollars sent home by illegal workers. China uses multiculturalism to extend its political influence upon governments all over the world, as well as in the U.S.. This is in sharp contrast to Japan's wise choice to sustain and improve upon its own cultural identity, as see in the video above. China exports its citizens legally and illegally to expand its financial and cultural influence abroad. Businesses use multiculturalism as a faux-moral rationalization for exploiting cheap immigrants and lowering the wages of native-born Americans.

The rise of guilt-free nationalism in the U.S. (M.A.G.A.) may well be a symptom of the population's recovery from WWII guilt. This would be bad news for the multicultural manipulators of that guilt. Perhaps that explains some of the vehement rhetoric against President Trump, who has become the embodiment of that new nationalist attitude. If the U.S. majority continues to awaken from its lulled passivity, fueled by constant reminders of its failings, there may be hope that the manipulators who would totally destroy American excellence for their own benefit will be pushed back into the shadows of society. 


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