Migrant mob in Germany.

Democrats lining up for the U.S. Presidential race in 2020 are all anti-nationalists. That may sound like a good thing to you if you have been brainwashed by the mainstream media, with the exception of one major television network. A world without nations at this time will not be a better place for anyone on the planet in the long term.

Europe is currently experiencing the failure of open borders. Its most open nations are failing to secure the lives of their citizens against mass violence and upheaval. This week's invasion and hijacking of an airport terminal in France by African migrants, chanting "France does not belong to the French," is a very clear example. 

The unfounded myth that all European colonialism was atrocious suits Central American, African and Middle East despots, who use it to twist the minds of their impoverished citizens to believe that Europe and America are their oppressors. These dubiously elected criminals have also found a great way to rid themselves of those who are not content with their oppression: Mass emigration of their citizens who prefer the benefits of Western Civilization.  And those migrants send money home. It's a win-win for the despots. 

The politicians in European national governments, conned by oligarchs with business-based allegiance to their despot friends in underdeveloped nations, have supported an undemocratic regime in Brussels. It is the tool being used to destroy their European way of life, a developed civilization which has been born of centuries of investment in science and education. Today's Europe was forged in the fires of territorial conflict. It may well collapse under foolhardy globalism.

Here in the U.S., it has taken an apolitical businessman's ascent to the U.S. Presidency to sound the alarm of this process as it approaches us from our southern border.  Our own politicians were dozing off into a complacent sleep, hypnotized by globalist campaign money. Obama's globalist success set the model, especially on The Left. The Republicans, like envious kids outside a candy store looking in, are grudgingly supporting the idea of American sovereignty over its own borders.

A nationless world is an idealistic vision without merit in 2019. The closest thing to global government is the corrupt and ineffective United Nations. Large federal systems like the U.S.A. and E.U. are effective models for super-national legal trade and basic human rights, but they fall short on respecting regional culture and external border integrity. They also struggle to fairly and consistently distribute government resources regionally.

Politics, economics and culture are the great barriers to globalism. The larger the state, the more remote those who govern become. They are then more susceptible to corruption by wealthy donors, whose primary allegiance is to their own wealth. If a regional culture resists amalgamation into an homogenized super-culture, the super-state is likely to sacrifice that regional culture rather than risk dissolution from within. America's Civil War was a good example. 

Nations (and states within unions) are more effective management units for financing and delivering public services. State-managed welfare systems in the U.S.A. have worked relatively well. But state systems consistently encounter conflict with the federal super-state, which is slower to adjust to change. Legalized marijuana across the U.S.A. is a good example. A global government would be even less responsive to regional change.

Uncontrolled mass migration has been a concealed failure of globalist idealism. Cultural dissonance is on the rise in E.U. and U.S.A.. And those illegal migrants who have invaded those unions are slowly corroding the meaning of lawful and participatory citizenship within them, while simultaneously exploiting the resources of the legal citizenry.

The myth of "They only want freedom." is dissolving as more and more statististics show the drain by illegal migrants on local and national resources. The stigmatizing of assimilation in media does not help. Illegal migrants are consuming resources from public education and public health care while being encouraged to remain alienated from general society in their host nation.

There is little evident discomfort in today's migrant groups over exploiting the resources of states they have trespassed into. The opposite seems more apparent. Immigration lawyers, politicians, church groups and activist judges have fueled entitlement in these migrant groups. They seem less interested in assimilation and more interested in growing their own subcultures within their host nations in order to more effectively consume resources and exert political power. High birth rates in migrant subcultures support this hypothesis.

The unskilled and unacculturated want everything citizens and legal immigrants have. This is reverse colonization. And it is regressive, not progressive. Fewer skilled and educated people consuming more and more resources which require skill and education to develop will inevitably lead to social, political and economic imbalance. And that imbalance historically leads to violent conflict. Ultimately, only those at the very top of the economic and political pyramid will benefit, as they always do. 


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