The acronym "LGBTQIA" describes a myth. If it were representative of the true constituency it describes, it would read "BTQIA". Lesbians and gay men are slowly awakening to the exploitation of their movement for social advancement by Bisexual women (modern feminists), Transgender men and women, Queer or Questioning folk (too closeted to be self-described as "gay", "bisexual" or "lesbian"), Intersex (people with various forms of sexual dysfunction), and Asexuals (lacking functioning sexuality).
The vacuum created by the AIDS epidemic in the gay-lesbian subculture led to a flooding of established gay-lesbian organizations by a new population of people who feel socially and legally victimized by the majority, who are still heterosexual cismales and cisfemales, in the new jargon. The binary "normies" are stereotyped by this new group of self-proclaimed victims as being both interested in and intolerant of various sexual identities beyond the sexualities of heterosexual and homosexual.
The presumption that normies, or secure homosexuals, are really interested in them is purely narcissistic. And the intolerance they perceive when shouting at normies for attention is really intolerance of their aggressive narcissism, not what they might do in private with their various genital configurations, natural or unnatural.
This subculture of sexual minorities admittedly reaps some derision and skepticism in general society. However, the opposite is also true: Transgender people in entertainment, as one example, have reaped tremendous benefits by way of being trendy and attention-getting. Are Caitlyn Jenner or the Wachowskis persecuted victims? No.
The screaming claim by some hypervocal male-to-female transgender individuals that a holocaust of murders is being committed everywhere upon their peers is unsubstantiated. Perhaps this hysteria is further evidence of the connection between transgenderism and serious psychological disturbance at its core. In any case, it has served the purposes of struggling homosexual-rights groups and formerly gay-lesbian media, such as HRC and Pink News, respectively.
Bureaucracies all follow a similar evolutionary pattern. This pattern is as old as Byzantium and The Roman Empire. While bureaucracies are initially organized to serve a particular purpose, they inevitably develop their own prime directive: The bureaucracy must first ensure its own survival. So it is also in the Land of Non-Profits. Established non-profits are bureaucracies.
Governments in The Developed World are exsanguinating the lifeblood of homosexual bureaucracies by normalizing homosexual relationships, both sexual and social. One might think that these established bureaucracies for homosexual rights might focus on homosexual rights globally, where the landscape is dotted largely with countries, religions and cultures which persecute homosexuals with prison, public humiliation and even execution.
But no. if these bureaucracies were so inclined, they would be advertising and direct-financing a global lobbying effort by functional gay men and lesbians. They would be holding international strategic conferences for homosexuals who would like to share their advances with the international community as ambassadors, armed with persuasive presentations based in reason and science.
Instead, they are representing themselves in Pride Parades where they can garner contributions to keep their own bureaucrats employed. They throw lavish honors dinners to raise halos over the heads of wealthy donors. They defend a medical subculture which exploits sexual dysfunction for profit.
Instead, they are representing themselves in Pride Parades where they can garner contributions to keep their own bureaucrats employed. They throw lavish honors dinners to raise halos over the heads of wealthy donors. They defend a medical subculture which exploits sexual dysfunction for profit.
Do homosexual bureaucracies aggressively advocate for preferential treatment for homosexual refugees to The Developed World from The Islamic World, for example? No. Instead, they advocate for global open borders and decry criticism of The Islamic World as "Islamophobic". Yet, they make huge pronouncements about the mistreatment of transgender people everywhere, without documentation. Why?
These bureaucracies have adopted a very basic strategy: The squeaky wheel gets the oil. And nothing is squeakier than a loud transgender person who has always wanted to be a famous wealthy celebrity in the mold of Ru Paul. The one problem with this strategy is its abandonment, and actual criticism, of sane gay men and lesbians.
I offer in evidence the recent Democrat CNN Town Hall. Where transgender questioners acting out in the audience were coddled. Where a leading Democrat candidate, a former Vice President, dismissed the lives of sexual gay men by denigrating their traditional expressions of sexuality outside the model of heterosexual marriage while a gay CNN reporter agreed by being silent. There was no subsequent outrage coming from so-called LGBTQIA bureaucracies or media outlets.
I have no problem with homosexual-rights bureaucracies rebranding or changing mission. They should. But that is not what is happening. The homosexual subculture has been appropriated and exploited by non-homosexual groups. This opportunism is indeed representative of our age. It takes advantage of generations of young gay men and lesbians who have been left without energetic and mature political leadership due to the devastation of their elders by The AIDS Epidemic.
Corporate media has everything to gain from this. The formerly outrageous homosexual has become normalized, so they need the more outrageous to attract clickers and streamers to their products. Non-profits have everything to gain until gay men and lesbians gradually awaken to being exploited in order to prop up a Circus-World image of their "community". Gay men and lesbians should stop supporting organizations which are focused on the promotion of castration, mutilation and hormonal poisoning of potentially homosexual children.
I believe it is time for homosexuals to turn their backs on so-called LGBTQIA organizations and media outlets. Gay men and lesbians with intelligence, energy and resources can resurrect a healthy homosexual media and non-profit sector. BTQIA can take care of itself...or not. We LG folk have proven our resilience and ability to care for our own. Let's get back to doing just that on a global scale.
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