Oh, the smugness of those who were practically born with an iPhone in their hands! 

I would be the first to admit that many of my Baby-Boom peers have gotten off the learning curve. Most likely due to obesity or other side effects of decades of hedonism. There are also those of us who inherited various upgrades to our equity from our Greatest (Depression) Generation parents. Nothing makes a person more complacent than perceived affluence, great or small. However, how does the retort, "OK, Boomer." do anything but convince my generation that we are better off to avoid Social Media 2.0?

There is the real question of the quality of today's cultural learning curve in The West. Is it worth learning that women are innately superior in all ways to men, especially if they were born genetic men in the first place? Is it worth learning that the pinnacle of musical evolution is sing-song hip-hop? Is it worth learning that the whole of Western European Heritage was some sort of concocted lie that never happened the way we were told?

The ascension of that learning curve can lead to dizzying heights of confusion, self-loathing and self-doubt.

Even self-described conservative young intellectuals pull out the "OK, Boomer." put-down on social media platforms when they feel their ignorance has been revealed by some comment which betrays their mediocre education. This compounds their appearance as asses, since their rejection or disrespect has little value. My annoyance at the insult is simply based in the inability of the hurler of it to be able to learn from someone older and wiser. That is pathetic.

I expect something like "OK, Boomer." from enthusiasts of The New Left, or LGBTQIA+whatever, or the Antifa, crowd. Their poor upbringings are evident in their behavior. And they may well resent Baby Boomers who failed them from cradle to drug-induced street brawl or demented runway persona. I confess having simply given up on them. The New Left is a cult like others I have seen before. Like tornadoes, they rip through and leave behind bewildered fools, wandering in the shambles of unproductive youth.

So, did I choose to be a Baby Boomer? No. None of us did. That is the basic fact that escapes many immature identitarians, despite their obsession with asserting their own victim identities. Their perceived oppressors are falsely blamed for their adult failings in a relatively free society. 

My experiences in life have taught me to cherish the things which older people took the time to teach me. Some of my appreciation of that wisdom is admittedly retrospective. But I would not have benefited from any of their generosity if I had simply shut them down by mocking them from the start. 


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