Russia was a puppet master, along with Turkey, in the Syrian civil war. It succeeded in pulling us into that quagmire to destabilize America and its Saudi-Israeli alliance. Communist China used the distraction of The Middle East to invade Africa and parts of South America with barrels of money in exchange for agricultural and mineral resources.
Everything was going well for them under Obama-Biden and Brexit chaos. The illusion of a peaceful transition to globalist solutions for the whole of humanity was a security blanket which people in The West were cajoled into believing. America would gladly police the world. The E.U. would gladly stand by and applaud. It would all be for the best.
Not so. The 2016 election of Donald Trump as POTUS was a harsh slap in the face of those elites in The West and The Middle East who thought they had successful conned The Deplorables, The Little People, The Great Middle, with globalist lies. And, as The Great Middle began to awaken to the loud voice of Trump, so did the monsters of globalist capitalism. Their furor came out of the mouths of Macron, Merkel, Pelosi, Schumer, etc..
Organized caravans were thrown at the U.S. southern border. Trump's simple solution of a wall infuriated them more. Jihadists flared up in Syria. Trump's push to successfully squash the Iranian head of the ISIS movement worked. This infuriated the globalists even more. Trump's U.S. withdrawal from the senseless, opium-reaping involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq threatened the globalist use of heroin to sedate The Deplorables in The West.
Trump's successes had to be stopped. He was uniting one of the most powerful nations in the world bit by bit. He was winning over independent-minded Americans and drawing them away from the unending propaganda of the Democrat leadership in the American Congress. Impeachment failed. Discrediting a moral man who was proposed for a Supreme Court position failed. The economy boomed. And Trump could not be dissuaded from being candid on Twitter about The Swamp and The Fake-News media.
How could the globalists sew enough chaos into Western societies to commence with their (profitable) master plans for the human species? Well, where would the globalists go for whatever cheap solution they need to increase profits and control of markets? China.
The Chinese Bioweapon was the perfect destabilizer. Deniable. Self-spreading. Sufficiently synthetic to avoid either tracing or quick cure. And it worked beautifully.
Western economies have crashed. Voting populations in Western democracies were isolated, confused, blaming everyone except the Chinese. And the globalist-controlled media had their easy target, Trump. The Pelosi-Schumer blamers were at the disposal of globalists, perhaps best represented in the U.S. by Michael Bloomberg. The constant drumbeat of blaming, combined with engineered race riots and looting, was a divisive strategy that seemed to be winning in Fake-News media.
Fake-News media polls were insanely manipulated prior to the election of 11.03.2020. Today, 11.05.2020, still has no clear POTUS-elect. The Great Middle voted in the millions. This has left the coastal elites, prone to globalist promises, reeling. The smugness of Democrat mouthpieces has fizzled.
Doublespeak is an effective tool of the most successful dominators of human beings. Preaching globalism as a solution to wars, environmental deterioration and poverty covers the real agenda of centralized mass control of the human species. This, of course, requires the elimination of democracy and nationalism. Participation in the New Order must be assigned by the central power, not chosen by individuals.
Major divides widen between the rich, the comfortable and the poor. The rich are those who enlist readily in the global capitalist cause. The comfortable, those who live with enough equity to feel safer in a globalist environment, are divided. The more intelligent understand the precarious nature of their comfort. The less intelligent comply with globalist attempts at control. The poor are also divided. The more predatory become involved in crime and shadow economies which exist within the globalist system. The more intelligent strive for equity within the system but know the system works against them. The most unfortunate can fall into addiction and homelessness.
Globalists have learned to exploit this economic structure. With a vision of a world without inconvenient borders, globalists feel free to view human groups as portable capital/resources. Under the guise of alleviating poverty and suffering, they support mass migration without regard of its consequences upon the invaded, who are often the comfortable, but vulnerable, members of developed societies.
In the case of Communist China, mass migration is encouraged within its borders. It is a form of internal colonization. A notable example is Tibet. Outside its borders, Communist China plants colonies of its citizens wherever it has secured a foothold to exploit natural resources.
African nations have allowed this more than others with great profits going to their political classes. Communist China's central role in globalization is evidenced by its immunity from criticism by the international political and academic communities for these practices. Those groups have already surrendered to globalist ambitions.
Communist China and Russia are playing a game of nationalist disruption in other nations while firming up their own internal nationalist infrastructures and identities. Yes, the global world they envision will obviously have master races. And they will be those who most effectively eliminate competition from equally powerful nation states, like U.S.A..
The two World Wars of the 20th century were devastating to The West. This made Western populations susceptible to sales pitches for a United Nations world. This vision of peaceful "multiculturalism" was indeed packaged appealingly by Hollywood and other propaganda tools of those who wished to lead the human species to a globally "planned" world without war or poverty. Not a bad ideal as ideals go, but not at all human in reality.
The human species has evolved through intelligent individual actions and discoveries of a minority of human beings within specific cultural settings which have supported those progressive actions and discoveries economically. China's current explosive development is an example. As China's economy has grown its contributions to human progress have also grown at the top of its culture. So has its capacity for evil.
A flat multicultural (polyglot) human species without developed nation states would still be living in huts. The Dark Ages of Europe support that hypothesis. The Roman Empire's failure could be see as an early attempt at globalism. Perhaps China's earlier imperial experience is also evidence that globalism cannot be imposed by politics or markets. If global human governance is to be peaceful and progressive, it most likely must evolve from popular consensus over large periods of time.
The Roman Imperial model of "Divide and Rule" obviously has its limitations. This may save us from the globalist power play that now attempts to sabotage our great American republic. The election of 11.03.2020 should be encouraging to those who do not wish to live the "planned" lives of the globalist aristocrats. The Great Middle of America has awakened again. We are neither Democrat nor Republican. We are happy to be Americans in an American nation with American values.
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