Invader of US. Capitol on 01. 06.2020 in front of inscription from The Great Seal, "He (God) has favored our undertakings." Photo credit: Getty Images.


The blame game has become entrenched in our national political dialogue. The blame game eventually becomes infantile and even violent unless objective adult minds insert themselves into conflicts which have become polarized. I have seen ample evidence in my career as a psychiatric nurse, specializing in residential settings for those with severe mental disabilities from every social and economic tier of societies around the world. 

Those pressure cookers of socialization and mediation in the face of mania and psychosis used to be tremendous assets to communities. They offered hope of gradual rehabilitation and daily coping for individuals and families with the unfortunate genetic burdens of organic mental illness. 

But they have largely been replaced by prison cells and tents on urban streets, because politicians exploited an anti-science movement of so-called "patient advocates" to dismantle the public mental health care system in a couple of decades. A flawed and underfunded system which took a century to build. A flawed system which politicians destroyed to save money for their own nefarious purposes.

Washington, DC, in recent days has reminded me of those psychiatric units of my past career. 

Our Congressional and Executive leadership have descended into infantile name calling and media manipulation on a disastrous scale. They have mobilized the rage of a nation in all directions. The national cohesion of Americans has been subverted from within by both major political parties. 

The Democrats have apparently played their part in service of their globalist allies in Communist China and elsewhere, who pull the strings of manufacturing, media and high tech globally. The Republicans have apparently played their part in service of goading a megalomaniacal POTUS who would have benefited from better advisors, instead of his relatives and yes-men. Their mistake, it seems, was motivated by a sincere hope to resist the leveling of American prosperity by elite globalist forces who wish to homogenize lesser humanity into a manageable herd, unrecognizable behind their face masks.

Pelosi and Schumer are no less at fault than President Trump and his minions. The entire Federal government is no less to fault for supporting a system that has become deeply corrupted by money. Washington, DC, is one of the three richest cities per capita in the U.S.. This hardly paints a picture of a city populated by dedicated and underpaid public servants. 

On a state and city level, there is plenty of fault to go around. 2020's chronic rioting, looting and arson in the name of social equity (not justice, as we know it in a lawful society) have set the stage for recent events in Washington, DC.. The stunning incompetence of state and city leaders in dealing with violent mobs has set a pathetic precedent. Their self-excusing "support" for the dysfunctional and violent people in these mobs by calling them "protesters" is contemptable. 

America's local police forces have turned into labor-union-driven failures. They have held local governments and taxpayers hostage for higher and higher salaries while abandoning the streets they have been hired to protect. 

Police unions have turned to enabling unfit members of their forces instead of supporting fitness requirements. The average U.S. urban policeman is an overweight driver of an SUV with tinted windows, not a highly visible and accessible paragon of public safety and lawfulness. Many police officers rely heavily on private duty at construction sites, where they are often too lazy to direct the traffic they are disrupting. This is interpreted by frustrated motorists as contempt. 

And where lies some of the fault for the violent entitlement of young rioters, looters and arsonists in a country with guaranteed free public education, even for the children of illegal immigrants? What terrible ideologies have been taught to our teachers by those who have used higher education to push those ideas while making respectable salaries based in high tuitions supported by student debt? By their fruits you shall know them, as a certain holy text advises. 

We are all to fault. We have allowed our country to be corrupted. We have participated in a political system which has gutted the ethical Constitutional basis of our republic, piece by piece. We have allowed ourselves to believe what we watch in short videos on the internet. We have allowed men and women of dubious motives to use technology, even medical technology, to convince us that what they offer is best for "progress". No more debate. No more skepticism. No more judgment allowed. 

Supporting or condemning the ransacking mob of the particular day, regardless of the merits of its motivation, is a symptom of mass insanity. Refusal to condemn all violence-promoting and racialist groups for their corrosive effect on American identity is symptomatic of a fearful conformist mindset. 

Yes, our political and corporate leaders have taken control of our country in ways once unimaginable. Those of us who are not part of the privileged 10% have been pushed down in ways not seen since the late Industrial Revolution, prior to WWI and The Great Depression. We are constantly narcotized by our screens to believe we are the most privileged human beings to ever walk the planet. 

And, on many levels, we are, but at what cost to individual freedom, individual intelligence and individual development as thinking, ethical beings? Whatever that demeaning cost, its fault lies with the individual who chooses to become a mindless pawn of any system of ideology or belief. 


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