The current attempt by Woke Culture to eliminate meritocracy in favor of Soviet-style social equity, based in some weird hybrid of racial obsession and anti-Fascist phobia, is a synthetic reversal of our evolutionary instincts. Those instincts came from millions of years of pure accident as well as developmental trial and error. Animal instincts are not humane or compassionate. Human compassion develops in a modern human mind with suitable conditioning and study.
The instinctive action of leaving behind the less functional by the more functional members of the society is being met with an equal and opposite reaction in the form of tantrums by the less functional on urban streets. Massive human populations have yielded a tipping point of dysfunction which is pulling back the functional. The social regression is visible, global and probably inevitable.
Preachers of The Higher Self, like Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, speak to human optimism in this time of social upheaval. They are apparently human-reproduction oriented. They ignore the devouring cancer looming within our little spherical corner of The Universe: The obvious and grotesque imbalance caused by human population in Earth's ecosystem.
It seems too scary for many thinkers to even approach the subject plainly and directly. Instead, they focus on a redemptive individuality, something entirely out of the grasp of the growing masses of the unskilled and the poorly educated. They are turning to alcohol and drugs to cope. Those who cannot self-medicate properly may join the increasing number of enraged mobs, manipulated by ideologues.
I understand modern cognitive dissonance when considering survival of the fittest versus the healthy progress of the entire species, composed of individuals ... but from a different personal angle. In fairly recent times, I definitely would not exist as I now am. I myself would have been left behind.
Medical advancements have contributed to a biological inclusion of the most impaired and genetically disadvantaged members of our species. I have been enabled to live a rather average male lifespan in the USA due to those advancements. This change has occurred in a stunningly short period of time. I was given a fatal prognosis in 1996. Six months. And here I am 25 years later. Impaired but functional on a basic level.
The recent global governmental response to a global pandemic has most likely been inspired in part by that stunning reversal of disease process that I experienced 25 years ago. It may well also be inspired in part by the realization of world governments that biological miracles can also yield lethal mass bioweapons. Modern virology, for better or worse, is a byproduct of the science which led to my salvation 25 years ago.
Human population has expanded at both ends of the spectrum of life. Infant mortality is decreasing. Adult longevity is increasing. It does not require the mathematical ability of an Einstein to figure out that continued human overpopulation is a certainty if the species continues on a less warlike and more scientific path. The escalating effects on our land, our oceans and our air are also a certainty.
The effect of not leaving people behind in an evolutionary biological sense is also obvious. While there will be more and more people with more and more needs, the percentage of people who are naturally healthy and exceptionally intelligent will grow relatively smaller. This is already producing a gap between social contribution and social dependency. The high end contributors are relatively fewer and fewer. The mediocre are massive in number. The dysfunctional (enabled by social or individual charity) are also growing in number at the far end of the spectrum.
Cries for social equity, while hypocritically and self-servingly mouthed by the grossly outnumbered at the top of social contribution, are predictable demands coming up from the growing bottom of social contribution who can see the "privileged" top via accessible digital media. And that demand is now coming more frequently in the form of mob violence. If those who do not have intelligence, education, training or talent at their disposal are given social equity at the expense of those who contribute to society, the human species will simply regress.
Overpopulation in our time should be a manageable issue. And it may still be managed scientifically and ethically. However, the current capitalist systems which are gaining primacy across the world are still operating on a Darwinian model of survival of the wealthy fittest by actually exploiting overpopulation to accumulate their wealth. Capitalism thrives on More. More consumers. More choices. More money. More profit. More debt. More cheap labor.
We are leaving fewer and fewer people behind biologically. That is to say, people are still being brought into human existence involuntarily and kept in it for a longer time by medical advances and availability. Our economic systems are working on an opposing model of greater and greater wealth accumulation and luxury for fewer and fewer people at the top of the burgeoning human population with less and less need for human labor. These oligarchs show little real concern (support of high-quality public education) or action (truly equal and fair taxation) to prevent leaving the masses behind. In fact, support for oligarchy and autocracy is on the rise.
The simplistic political answer of Marxism or Communism seems an obvious solution on its surface, but the actual application of those answers has been consistently dehumanizing and disastrous. The ideologies survive because they are simplistic, appealing to the less broadly educated, less functional and less achieving. They are easily sold to the potentially violent mob, just like narrow group identity and racialism. A potentially violent mob is the ruthless army of a manipulative rabble-rouser, a destroyer, not a builder. We have seen too many examples recently.
Social media, today's poor substitute for the town square, often makes me think of the seminal value of most ancient religions. The Virtual, as I see it, is often an embodiment of The Lie, intentional deception to achieve some end. The Actual is more likely to reveal The Truth of people, groups and ideas. The world of social media, increasingly controlled by tech overlords, is not the actual world, but today's increasing actual isolation offers no alternative to the false narratives of social media.
If this trend continues, it is unlikely that actual social equity will ever be perceived, even if it is achieved in a synthesized virtual reality. Those who will be left behind in reality may well be lulled virtually into believing that they have been provided social equity. Their actual lives of living in cramped rooms and eating synthetic food while being mesmerized by large colorful screens may actually not at all resemble the reality of those at the top of the actual social pyramid, a pyramid concealed by the digitally projected virtual mass equity.
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